Development of National Satellite Image Atlas: Their Importance in Corporate and National SDI Development The Peripheral Countries Case

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Asato, Carlos Gabriel
Wright, Eugenia Mariana
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Information technology has strong relevance in the social and economical environments of
the countries. Education, investments, sustainable growing, natural resources exploration
and exploitation are some of the activities that are negatively affected by the lack of
information. Peripheral countries usually have limited structural and financial resources for
supporting NSDI projects. But at the information age, it is necessary that those countries
will have at least a minimum and efficient information infrastructure, or others resources
and applications that will promote the development of more complex systems.
Like others peripheral countries, Argentina has serious problems with information
availability. Due to the lack of information such as topographical, geological and other kind
of geospatial data, several users like geoscientists, industry, government, etc. have strong
difficulties to make their regional and project studies, especially when digital analysis
should be made. Despite the great effort of different international organisations (UNEP
GRID, Geocover, etc.) to supply free geodata coverage, information could not be efficiently
used and managed without a good technological support. In this context, geographically
integrated satellite image data management systems became an essential part of the NSDI
core system because satellite images can provide the spatial context for different kinds of
spatial datasets and are the main source of different kinds of regional information.
The Argentine Satellite Atlas for Geological and Geographical Studies is a special
cartographic product generated by automatic procedures based on GIS technology and
public and institutional data. The aim of this project is to provide a useful reference
document for students, geologists, cartographers and other earth science professionals, as
well as to create a core data system framework for other Corporate SDI or NSDI projects
and applications. The Argentine Satellite Atlas is not only a cartographic product, but also
it is an integrated product generated by a special structured system where cartography, and
spatial thematical information are managed and coordinated in a systematic way.
This paper describes the conceptual model, digital components, database structure and
cartographic criteria that provided a framework for the Atlas generation. Also we
emphasise the relevance of the constructed system in the development of the organisation
SDI. We propose the development of systems with similar characteristics for peripheral
countries. Such a system can create the basic infrastructure and foundation for other
systematic and national projects.
Asato, C.G. y E. M. Wright, 2006. “Development of National Satellite Image Atlas. Their Importance in Corporate and National SDI Development. The Peripheral Countries Case”. 9thGlobal Spatial Data Infrastructure Meeting, Santiago, Chile.3-11 de noviembre de 2006.
Fil: Asato, C.G. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina. ORCID: 0000-0002-1968-7741
Fil: Wright, E.M.. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.
Este trabajo fue presentado en 9thGlobal Spatial Data Infrastructure Meeting, que se realizó en Santiago de Chile, entre el 3 y el 11 de noviembre de 2006
- Congresos [40]